From 19 to 22 September 2012
Meeting at Montreal.
The authors are asked to upload their paper on this website before this date. Papers in MS-Word .doc format shall be written within the provided template. The file’s name should contain the 4-digit code of the proposal provided in the e-mail received by authors (e.g. 3062.doc).
Schedule of the congress
November 7, 2011. Opening of the congress website and international launch of the Call for papers.
January 3, 2012. Deadline for receipt of 300-words abstracts (more than 200 proposals registered).
February 15, 2012. Notification to the authors of acceptance or rejection of abstracts.
April 30, 2012. Deadline for receipt of the full papers (4 or 6 pages according to the provided template for writing papers).
May 25, 2012. Notification to the authors of reviewers' reports on their full papers.
June 15, 2012. Deadline for receipt of final papers to publish in the proceedings of the congress.
- From 19 to 22 September 2012. Meeting at Montreal.